Our Learning Environments

Days Gone By Early Learning offers faith-based principles and developmentally appropriate learning opportunities for your children. We offer a back-to-basics program that promotes learning through play for Infants, Toddlers, Preschool (including Eau Claire School District 4k), and School Age programs, and Summer programming.

We are dedicated to serving children and their families and believe that children learn best through play and hands-on experiences. Our teachers are trained in child development and have an understanding of the amazing ways that each child has been created. With these things in mind, the activities and educational opportunities that are made available to children are both interesting and challenging to them.

We want the children to be excited to be with us as they discover, explore, and play. Along with all of these experiences, we also feel that it is very important for children to have opportunities to practice and develop their social and emotional skills, such as sharing, kindness, and using words to express themselves. We utilize character education to help children learn how to accept and appreciate each other and the world around them. As a faith-based program, we strongly believe that God created each child to be a special, unique person with a wonderful purpose. It is our greatest desire to work with parents in an effort to help each child find that purpose.